The second page of the Settings dialog contains all of the Automatic options and the Image options. The second page looks like :-
As with the first page, there are the three main distinct sections on the page.
In the first section the directory into which any image to be saved is defined in the edit box entitled "My AutoSave or Default directory is". The prefix for the file being save is defined in the edit box below this one and the incremental method is defined after that one. The Filename prefix and Incremental method boxes are the way a unique filename with an identifiable sequence can be created. In this instance we would start at Image_000055 and move to Image_000056 and so on. If in our Incremental method we had specified "Date & Time stamp" instead of "Sequence number" then we may have ended up with Image_2001-04-24 0727.11.628.JPG and then Image_2001-04-24- 0727.17.829.JPG for tow files saved on 24th April 2001 at 7:27 am, but on at 11 seconds and 628ms and the other at 17 seconds and 829ms after.
As a further example, the settings that can be seen here would mean that , if AutoSave was selected, pressing PrintScreen would save a JPG file called Image_000055.JPG in the directory C:\Program Files\Grabber2k Setup\manual.
We keep saying that the image would be saved as a JPG, but we could set this to a BMP. Notice on JPG images we can set the image quality and on the BMP images we can set image colour depth.
We now have the ability to specify wether or not we want to compress an images. In a BMP, the compression is RLE and can make quite a differnece to the size of the images. In GIF, this compression is LZW and like BMP can also make quite an impression on the size.
These options may change in the future.
Notice in the second section that we have three items we can select from : AutoSave, AutoPop and Do Nothing. Directly below these options we have two more options : Auto Print and Auto Clipboard. To get a clearer explaination of these options we should go to the following sections :-
It is worth noting that while you can only choose between AutoSave, AutoPop and Do Nothing and cannot have more than one of these options set, you can have both Auto Print and Auto Clipboard enabled or both disabled or any combination of one enabled, one disabled. This means that you could be Auto-Saving every image, but also printing it and copying it to the clipboard at the same time.
1. Open Grabber2k and go to the Image settings options on the Settings dialog and check / set in turn AutoSave, AutoPop and Do Nothing in combination with Auto Print and Auto Clipboard. Now open up your "My Computer" window and press PrintScreen. Depending on what you set will depend on wether the Capture form pops up, the image is silently saved in the background, the image is copied to the clipboard or automatically printed.
2. Open Grabber2k and go to the Image settings options on the Settings dialog and try the different Image formats and Compression / Graphic Depth otions. Now open up your "My Computer" window and press PrintScreen. You should have several different BMP, JPG images and, if you tried using compression, then they should be of different sizes.
3. Open Grabber2k and go to the Image settings options on the Settings dialog and try the different sequencing otions, ensuring you check AutoSave. Now open up your "My Computer" window and press PrintScreen. You should have several images and they should have names similar to the ones discussed above.
You should ensure that you have made yourself familiar with all of these options before moving on to the next topic.